Venafi Encryption Director 6 Platform allows Global 2000 Enterprises to eliminate unquantified and unmanaged risk, improves security and compliance, and increases system availability
Venafi, the inventor of and market leader in Enterprise Key and Certificate Management (EKCM) solutions, yesterday unveiled Venafi Encryption Director 6 (Director 6). Director 6 provides out-of-the box automated management capabilities for the widest range of digital certificate and encryption key technologies used by today’s enterprises, including symmetric keys, SSH keys, asymmetric keys and digital certificates. Recognized by Gartner as a “Cool Vendor,” Venafi provides the only platform that allows organizations to automate discovery, monitoring, validation, management and security of the most commonly used encryption assets. Designed specifically for the enterprise, Director 6 provides interoperability across heterogeneous environments, rapid scalability, and orchestration capabilities that improve security and compliance and increase critical system uptime. In addition to the already-available Certificate Manager™ product, the SSH Key Manager™ and Symmetric Key Manager™ products are being added to the Director 6 platform as separate offerings.
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