Below is a case study by Tom Glover, Product and Marketing Manager, argus® Thermal Imaging; a UK manufacturer and supplier of hand held thermal imaging cameras for Law Enforcement organisations around the world. In the article Tom explains the benefits of personal thermal imaging in policing along with images and case studies.
How can Thermal Imaging be used in Law Enforcement?
Since the launch of the Security range of thermal imaging cameras last year, argus® has seen a quick adoption by Law Enforcement divisions, particularly in USA. Below you will find two case studies of Thermal Imaging use in Law Enforcement.
Case Study one: Missing Person
During a routine search, the police came across an empty car which had been left unlocked, it caused immediate concern that someone might be in danger along the downs. The police instantly requested for a helicopter to search the area but no one was found.
Mark Pybus, BHCT Chaplain on the ground picked up a TT Type camera and quickly identified a heat signature, this allowed Mark to request for the helicopter to hover over the area which ultimately saved the person from taking their own life.
The Beachy Head Chaplaincy have just purchased two argus TT Type cameras following a successful trial along the downs. The Chaplaincy had been using the argus SC camera for some time but then saw the potential of the TT Type following its introduction to the argus product range.
“The TT allowed us to attach the camera via its video out connector to our Freelander which had been fitted out with a 10 inch screen.“ said Mark Pybus. “It allows the team to drive along in darkness without being seen, using powerful torches was the alternative but obviously this gives away the location of the vehicle. There are a lot of cars going along the downs all the time and so it is not out of the ordinary to see passing vehicles.”
Case Study Two:Evidence Detection
Officers responded to a report of a gun discharge. A search was conducted. The suspect was located but no evidence was found. An hour after the shooting the supervisor on the scene requested the argus thermal imaging camera (the TT Type) be brought in.
The victim had gone to his ex-girlfriends residence to see their child. Once there, the victim began arguing with his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend (the suspect). During the argument, the suspect pulled out a gun and fired a shot at the victim, causing him to flee the scene. The suspect was located at the residence and a search was conducted but no evidence was found. Officers concluded that the girlfriend left with the gun and they learned the suspect was a convicted felon.
An area canvass produced two witnesses who both stated that the suspect intentionally shot at the victim. A search for the shell casing was conducted, however nothing was located. “When I arrived with the TT Type, the supervisor pointed out the area and I began a search with the thermal imager. Within 30 seconds I located the shell casing which was hidden beneath a weed” Stated Captain Greg Wipfli. “This corroborated the victim’s and witness’ account of the situation and charges were filed for Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Possession of a Firearm after Felony Conviction.”