TACOMA, Wash.: The popularity of conspiracy theories is frequently rooted in the belief that governments are not transparent in their actions. This belief was the basis for author, Albert Bartlett’s new World War II thriller, “MacCaulley’s Monster.”
“MacCaulley’s Monster” is the fictional tale of a mysterious unidentified aircraft shot down near the English Channel in 1943.
“I’ve always been fascinated with Howard Hughes and the production of the ‘Spruce Goose,’” Bartlett said. “Although it was never completed, I’ve remained curious as to why a similar project was never attempted. It’s not outside the realm of possibility to imagine that a similar secret project was attempted.”
In the novel, a giant aircraft named ‘MacCaulley’s Monster’ is shot down on its maiden voyage. Since nothing about the project was public knowledge, the corpus of the story involves unraveling the mystery surrounding the plane’s existence from authorization to its eventual demise.