Barry Ken Spinner, VP of Global Field Engineering comments:
“The loss of personal information is becoming commonplace. In this case, the personal information that was released was those of children. What is particularly concerning is that this information, if it gets into the wrong hands, could be used by paedophiles as a starting point to find their prey. It’s important for companies to secure their data, educate their employees and contractors to ensure they have good cyber hygiene and take the steps to automate the prevention of human error – in this case preventing inappropriate access to personal information and incorporating utilities to prevent the exposure. The way that personal data is collected and stored is a huge privacy concern, particularly in light of the upcoming GDPR: organizations (and individuals) need to keep an eye out on privacy policies and data gathering in order to consistently meet business policy and security requirements. Exposed personal data can be a huge vulnerability - not only an abuse of personal data privacy, but can be leveraged to breach more secure systems and put critical data at risk.”