A free-to-attend, half-day seminar which aims to help security buyers and installers to navigate the complex world of cyber security is being held in Solihull on Thursday 2nd November.
Organised by the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) and supported by the Fire Industry Association (FIA), the event will include presentations from a wide range of cyber security experts, with a particular focus on the potential vulnerabilities of ‘connected products’ – meaning any security product that can be accessed or operated remotely via the internet (intruder alarms, video surveillance systems and access control) – and how these vulnerabilities can be combated.
Delegates will be informed about the potential cyber risks facing their business, with presentations from the West Midlands Police digital cyber crime team and an engaging and surprising demonstration from the Scottish Business Resilience Centre’s team of ‘ethical hackers’. Attendees will also find out how the BSIA’s ongoing work in the field of cyber security is helping the security industry to protect itself and its customers. Finally, delegates will benefit from a summary of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), set to come into force in May 2018.
The seminar is open to security and fire buyers and installers, or indeed anybody from either industry with an interest in improving their business’ cyber security and data protection policies.