- Brigadier-General J.C.E. Sandy (rtd.) to deliver the Feature Address and open Expo
Vigilance can authoritatively confirm that Brigadier-General J.C.E. Sandy, National Security Minister, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago has accepted the invitation to deliver the Feature Address and open the first ever UK Security Trade Mission and Exhibition scheduled to hold in Port of Spain on November 23rd and 24th, 2010.
In his letter dated July 23rd, 2010 to the British High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago His Excellency Eric Jenkinson accepting the invite, General Sandy wrote: “I am pleased to inform, Excellency, that I welcome the opportunity to attend, deliver the Feature Address and also to open the Exhibition on November 24th, 2010.”
Vigilance learnt that this event which will jointly be hosted by the UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) in Trinidad and Tobago and the UK Trade and Investment Defence and Security Organisation (UKTI DSO), all speakers will be asked to focus on the following topics:
- Upcoming or ongoing projects in the Security and Defence Sector
- Business opportunities for British firms
- Partnership opportunities between the UK and their market
- Procurement processes
While presentations will be 15 minutes long, with an additional 10 minutes for a question and answer session, which will be held immediately after each presentation. Speakers will spend 25 minutes each with the mission.
Special UKTI presentations – Regional business opportunities in the Defence and Security sector:
- BARBADOS: Mr. Wayne Lynch, Trade and Investment Officer
- CUBA: Mr. Michael Upton, Deputy Head of Mission
- JAMAICA: Mr. Graham Glover, Deputy High Commissioner
Special UKTI presentations – Regional business opportunities in the Defence and Security sector:
- TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: Miss. Natalie Dookie, Head, Trade & Investment
- VENEZUELA: Mr. Luis Ernesto Sánchez, Trade & Investment Officer.
Meanwhile, UKTI Trinidad and Tobago has invited UK companies to be a part of their first UK Trade and Investment Week which will highlight UK expertise, UK products and UK services in the security and defence sector.
So you want to exhibit in Trinidad and Tobago? Hang on a minute, but just what do you really know about T &T? Please hold your breath as Vigilance has the answers!
Trinidad and Tobago is the largest buyer in the Caribbean Region and the 6th largest importer in Central and South America of UK goods and services;
- 17 years of positive economic growth;
- Largest CARICOM Economy;
- Largest regional GDP;
- Largest manufacturing base in the Caribbean;
- Second Largest recipient of FDI in the Western Hemisphere;
- Largest UK regional expatriate community;
- Base for many successful UK firms: British Petroleum (BP), British Gas (BG), BVT etc.;
- Largest producer & single site exporter of methanol & ammonia in the world;
- Fifth largest producer of LNG in the world.
- About T&T’s Security Sector:
- Land mass, 5,127 sq. km. (total), does not equal market value = £180 Million defence contract with a UK firm in 2007;
- Total Expenditure for fiscal year 2009 £5.5 Billion;
- CARICOM lead for security matters: regional police force & maritime security;
- Business Opportunities: Regiment, Coast Guard & Air Guard, Police Service, Special Anti-Crime Unit of Trinidad & Tobago, Prison Service, Fire Service, Forensic Science Centre, Office of Disaster Preparedness, Legal & Judiciary Systems, Port Authorities, Major Oil & Gas Companies;
- Public Sector: increasing demand for security solutions including equipment & services;
- Private Sector: growing use of IT-based security options such as CCTV, access panels etc.;
- Residential: due to high purchasing power & high crime rate there is increased consumption of security goods & services such as intruder alarm systems, CCTV, personal security etc.;
- Safety & security opportunities in the oil & gas sector.
About UKTI
UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) works with UK-based businesses to ensure their success in international markets, and encourage the best overseas companies to look to the UK as their global partner of choice
The aim of the UK Trade & Investment Defence & Security Organisation (UKTI DSO) is to help UK companies to export.
UKTI DSO works with industry to build and maintain relationships with overseas customers, providing the essential government-to-government interaction. As well as providing support to ensure products and services are promoted in an effective manner, they also make certain customer’s requirements are appropriately met and supported by industry throughout the life of the equipment.
UKTI DSO provides specialist export advice and practical assistance, working closely with both industry and the Ministry of Defence and other Government Departments and Agencies.
UKTI DSO operates three regional directorates. They are experts in their particular geographic areas and are the first point of contact for overseas customers and for UK companies. They lead on all matters relating to the export of defence and security equipment and services, and support specific industry-led overseas marketing campaigns.
The security directorate acts as a co-ordinating focal point for companies in the security industry. They provide support to the regional directorates and work closely with industry to promote the UK Security Industry Marketing Strategy and brand that enhances company led marketing activity.
The Business Development Directorate is responsible for events and exhibitions management, market analysis and support for SME companies and Key Account Management. Business Development works in conjunction with the other directorates to help UKTI DSO deliver efficient and effective services to industry.
UKTI DSO works alongside the UK regional International Trade Advisors (ITAs) who advise and guide UK companies on their route to export and help them to use the full range of UKTI DSO services including in-country specialists. UKTI DSO also engages closely with industry bodies and trade associations to help the industry.
For further details, please visit our source: http://www.ukti.gov.uk