Call him a ‘loudmouth’ as David Miliband had following his last July controversial comment about Pakistan exporting terrorism, but one thing you cannot doubt about Mr Cameron is his knack for business and the fact that he is result-orientated. Vigilance can recall that during his recent storming of India with a 30-member delegation, defence group BAE systems and engine supplier Rolls-Royce under the UK-India defence and industrial partnership secured a deal worth £700 million to supply India’s Hindustan Aeronautics with 57 Hawk training jets which was signed under the watchful eyes of Mr Cameron.
As a further testimony to the huge success of that trade mission to India in July, another UK company, ICTS with its tentacles all over Europe and worldwide will exhibit at the forthcoming INDESEC to be held in New Delhi between 6th and 8th September, 2010. Vigilance can authoritatively report that ICTS, the largest provider of aviation security in Europe, is exhibiting as part of the UKTI Trade Mission to promote specialist security services in India following the UK’s Prime Minister Mr Cameron’s, trade mission in July.
As the leading service provider, ICTS has a broad range of pioneering technology security solutions in aviation, immigration, training, assessment, security management and maritime security for the protection of supply chain networks.
Vigilance learnt also that ICTS canine division will be showcasing the RASCargO system which provides a screening capability for cargo, trucks and containers for the presence of explosives, drugs and contraband. DiagNose part of ICTS Europe canine offering provides a full range of specialist disciplines in France, Holland, Israel and South Africa.
The UK division delivers a comprehensive consultancy service to canine units assisting government departments in establishing, servicing and supply of specialist canines for the location of explosives, drugs and firearms including handler training supported by a life cycle programme maximising on operational capability and financial viability for using this proven method of search.
The ICTS innovative Computer Based Training platform, Eagle which will also be showcased at INDESEC offers a unique combination of Aviation Security expertise, extensive training experience, the latest in CBT methodologies, and state-of-the-art technology.
Designed specifically for X-ray screeners, Eagle embraces every aspect of basic and recurrent training. The Eagle fully interactive exercise and testing modules optimises the learning experience by accurately simulating the working environment and exposing the trainee to a variety of threats, resulting in an in-depth understanding of the job in hand.
Eagle provides a comprehensive set of courses including introduction to Aviation Security, Basic and Recurrent X-Ray Screening, Suspicious Behaviour Security Awareness, Cargo and General security training for new recruits.
The ICTS total security package provides clients with a wealth of operational experience backed by smart solutions addressing the risks to road transport, rail, aviation, maritime, ports, arena, shopping malls, hotels, iconic locations those crowded places which are likely to be attacked under threat by terrorists. ICTS continues to demonstrate its ability to deliver enhanced security solutions with greater benefits to clients operating in the infrastructure space based on a local understanding of threat levels.